Accessibility Tools

3D Imaging Laser Scanner Services


Our 3D Imaging Laser Scanner Services provide clients with an innovative and highly detailed virtual reality view of their projects. This advanced technology acts as a comprehensive, one-stop solution for capturing all aspects of a site, offering an interactive and collaborative tool to review progress, access detailed information, and conduct remote site visits without the need for physical presence.

With our 3D imaging laser scanner, clients benefit from a range of powerful features, including:

  • A virtual walkthrough to explore the project in real-time.
  • High-resolution images for detailed analysis.
  • A mini-map to navigate the site effortlessly.
  • A dollhouse view for a full 3D representation of the site.
  • The ability to take precise measurements directly from the scan.
  • Information tagging to highlight key elements and share project insights.

In addition to these interactive features, the scanner produces a high-density structured point cloud. This data allows our designers to create accurate, 3D measured models that can be easily shared with clients, ensuring clarity and precision at every stage of the project.

Our 3D Imaging Laser Scanner Services have revolutionised the way we support clients. By eliminating the need for frequent site visits, we provide a collaborative tool that facilitates better communication between clients and design teams, enabling efficient project planning and updates.

Furthermore, these scans are invaluable for condition surveys and future maintenance planning. They allow clients to assess the state of their buildings and manage long-term development with confidence, backed by precise, data-driven insights.

From concept to completion, our 3D Imaging Laser Scanner Services offer unmatched accuracy and convenience, helping clients visualise, manage, and optimise their projects like never before.

Take a look at a an example which illustrates how the virtual walk through can save you time on site.

our work

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